Santa Ana's future is at a crossroads, and your voice is crucial. Measure DD threatens to undermine the rights that make our community strong and vibrant. This isn’t just about defeating a measure — it’s about upholding the principles of citizenship and ensuring that every voice in our community is heard. Together, we can ensure that Measure DD doesn’t silence any of us.
The right to vote is the “Crown Jewel” of citizenship we uniquely possess! It is such a special right, should be preserved today and for future generations of citizens, to ensure we all have the same full power of public participation in our democracy through the vote, regardless of political party, ethnicity, race or creed.
Impartial Analysis of Measure DD
Because of the importance of this election, we wanted to share impartial analysis and the arguments for both YES and NO with the voters.
By removing bias and focusing solely on facts and objective data, voters can make decisions based on truth rather than influence.